Production Monitoring
“Production monitoring is the key to production optimization”
- Optimize production output
- Reduce machine downtime
- Increase productivity
- Make more money
Without production data optimization is impossible.
EasyCount has delivered production monitoring solutions for +10 years.
The scalability of our solutions makes it possible to start with a single machine and expand the installation with more machines when needed.
Our solutions are easy to install and operate – no experts are needed. Typically the equipment is installed by the local service and maintenance teams in the factories. All equipment is delivered ready for installation and operation.
Use data from the machines to increase productivity.
EasyCount production monitoring systems is a quick and easy way to get the data to use for production optimization.
(1) Sensor - get production data from the machine
To measure the output from a machine we need a signal when the machine is producing.
Most machines have a computer installed that controls the functionality of the machine. It can be a challenge to retrieve a run signal from this machine controller.
Therefore the EasyCount solution uses a separate sensor mounted somewhere in the machine where the output can be measured. In this way no interface with the machine controller is needed. And by using a separate sensor the EasyCount system can be installed on all types of machines.
The sensor is connected to the counter. When the machines is producing, the signal from the sensor is registered by the by counter. This is the measurement of the output from the machine. Every minute the counter sends the registrations to the server, where it is saved into a database. We call this the “machine heartbeat“:
The sensor inside the machine detects the rotation of the shaft. Each rotation represents an certain amount of materiel running into the machine. This is registered by the counter.
(2) Counter - read sensor data from the machine
The counter is the central part in all EasyCount solutions. The counter registers the signals from sensors on the machine and sends the information to the server for storage in the database.
Our counters are designed for industrial environments and very easy to install. They are shipped as ‘plug-and-count’. This means, that the setup of the counter is pre-configured. So when the counter and sensor have been installed, the data from the machine will be online within a few minutes. The installation has following steps:
- mount the counter (typical near the machine)
- connect the counter to the network in the factory
- mount the sensor on the machine for measuring the production output
- connect the sensor to the counter
- power on the counter
- verify that the signal indicator on the counter flashes when the machine is producing
- wait a few minutes and you have you first live data from the machine !
This is a basic counter. The counter registers the signals from the sensors on the machine and sends the information to the server, where they are stored in a database.
(3) Server and database
When the counter has collected the production information from the machines, this will be sent to a central server and stored into a database. The data is updated every minute, so the database contains real-time data.
EasyCount is a Microsoft partner and our servers are configured with Microsoft software.
We use Cloud Technology for the servers and these servers are available in the Internet where they are accessible from anywhere in the world. This means that production information is available anywhere and anytime.
The EasyCount solution is easy to move between servers. So it is possible to start using a hosted solution from EasyCount and then move to a server inside the customer IT infrastructure later on.
The databases are Microsoft SQL databases. Each customer subscription has its own database.
We use Cloud Technology. Data are available anywhere and anytime.
(4) Touchscreen - operators interface
During productions a communication with the machine operators is needed. This is typically used for starting and stopping orders, entering causes of machine stops etc.
EasyCount has developed an industrial touchscreen for this. This is a computer with a 7″ touchscreen. The user interface be delivered in different languages.
The touchscreen is typically installed near the machine witch makes it easy for the operators to handle the production information.
The touchscreen can be integrated with the customer ERP system, so order information can be retrieved from here. And information about produced quantities can be reported back to the ERP system. This an example of Industry 4.0 integration. Also called smart manufactoring.
The touchscreen is used by the machine operators.
The current speed and state of the machine is indicated. The operator uses the touchscreen for order change and to key in causes for machine stops.
(5) Monitor controller – production information everywhere
Our counters have an output for a monitor, so production information can be visualized for the machine operators in the production.
There are other places, when production monitoring can we interesting:
- production planning office (show actual machine status – witch machines are producing)
- maintenance departments (stop statistics)
- canteen (eveyone can see, how the current situation is)
- …. and other places
Our monitor controller ECMCx is a computer, that controls a monitor. The device can be installed where the production monitoring is wanted. The device is connected to the network, so the online data from the production can be shown.
Most of our customers uses a standard Smart TV as monitor.
Monitors in the production showing actual production information for several machines on Smart TV’s.
The production information keeps the operators updated at all time.
(6) ERP interfacing
Many manufactoring campanies uses an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to manage the production. This is an IT system, where production orders are created, planned and scheduled for production. And after finished production the production quantities are reported back into the system.
Using EasyCount production monitoring systems makes it possible to integrate the ERP and benefit from the data exchange between the two systems:
- Production information available on the touchscreens - no production papers needed
- Planned quantities and production speed are available on the monitors
- Realized production quantities are reported back to the ERP system automatically
- Online status - compare planned production with real-time data from machines
ERP interfacing makes it possible to compare the planned production with the real-time data from the machines and estimate production times better.
(7) EasyCount Online Portal
The EasyCount solution comes with a software package for managing the installation.
This WEB portal uses a standard WEB browser (ex. Edge, Google Chrome, Firefox etc.) so no other software is needed to install. The customer gets an account with a login and then the system is ready for use.
The basic functions in the WEB portal is:
- Production overview for all machines
- Data view and analyzing functions
- Dashboard configurations
- Configuration of EasyCount devices (counters, monitor controllers etc.)
- User management (assign user rights in the system)
The EasyCount WEB portal is the software used for managing the EasyCount production monitoring system.
The software works on standard WEB browsers and runs on PCs and mobile devices as smart phones.
(8) API - software interfacing
In some companies, the EasyCount solution operates as a stand-alone IT-system. But in most cases the EasyCount solution becomes a part of a bigger IT-solution and therefore it is required, that some kind of interfacing is established between these systems.
The EasyCount solution comes with an API (Application Programming Interface). This is a standard way of exchanging data between IT systems.
Using the API’s makes it possible to exchange data with third part software packages. This could be ERP system or BI solutions.
We have software development inhouse. Therefore we can adjust the API’s if needed.
The available API’s can be used to interface data from the EasyCount solution to other IT systems.